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Valid for Sitecore 6.0.0
Membership Providers

This document provides instructions to integrate authentication system with Sitecore using ASP.NET membership providers.  Developers can use these instructions to replace or augment the default Sitecore membership provider with one or more providers that authenticate users against identity management solutions other than Sitecore.

To download the document, click one of the below links.
Sitecore CMS 6.0, 6.1, 6.2 versions:

You should save the file to your disk before opening it.

Below you will find the table of contents of the document.

Implementing an ASP.NET Membership Provider
    Security Providers Overview
    Membership Providers Overview
    Minimal Read-Only Membership Provider Overview
        The GetUser() Method
        The ValidateUser() Method
    Read/Write Membership Provider Methods
        The CreateUser() Method
        The Initialize() Method
        The GetAllUsers() Method
        The ChangePasswordQuestionAndAnswer() method
        The GetPassword() Method
        The ChangePassword() Method
        The ResetPassword() Method
        The UpdateUser() Method
        The UnlockUser() Method
        The GetUser() Method
        The GetUserNameByEmail() Method
        The DeleteUser() Method
        The GetNumberOfUsersOnline() Method
        The FindUsersByEmail() Method
    Optional Membership Provider Properties
        The ApplicationName Property
        The EnablePasswordRetrieval Property
        The EnablePasswordReset Property
        The RequiresQuestionAndAnswer Property
        The MaxInvalidPasswordAttempts Property
        The PasswordAttemptWindow Property
        The RequiresUniqueEmail Property
        The PasswordFormat Property
        The MinRequiredPasswordLength Property
        The MinRequiredNonAlphanumericCharacters Property
        The PasswordStrengthRegularExpression Property
    Configuring Membership Providers
        How to Use the Same Membership Provider for All Domains
        How to Use Different Membership Providers for Different Domains